Pack 26
Dunellen, NJ
Hosted by the American Legion
The registration cost is per-car you wish to race. You can enter as many cars as you want - grab that Cub Scout car from 30 years ago out of your attic and see if you can build a better one today.
The per-car cost is $25 before February 14th and $35 after. Payment can be done online through Square; you can mail a check, and you can also pay at the door on the 24th.
Entry Ticket - $35.00
Buy nowPayable to: Cub Scout Pack 26
322 Dunellen Ave
Dunellen, NJ 08812
Cars can be dropped off on February 23rd between 6:30 and 8:30 PM at the Legion; or the day of before 6:15 PM. If you can't make either of those dates, get in touch and we'll find an alternate opportunity for you to drop it off.
There is no cost to attend, only to enter a car to race. Food and Snacks are available for purchase to support the scouts.
Date, Time, & Location
February 24th, 2024, 6 PM
Add to Calendar
Upstairs at the
American Legion Post 119
137 New Market Rd
Dunellen, NJ 08812
Voting Categories
All participants are elligible to vote for who they think wins each category; voting tickets are provided upon entry and when purchasing food.Best Executed will go to the most pristine car entered. The cuts are sharp, there's no tear-out, the curves are even on all sides, the paint lines are straight, and the car, in general, looks like a showcase of precision craftsmanship.
Most Original will go to the car unlike any other. A truly lovecraftian concept pulled from the depths of the most tortured (or intoxicated) mind, and then turned into a wooden shape on wheels.
Most Technical will go to the craftsperson who best shows off his or her skills with the power or hand tools of their trade.
Racing League Rules
- Racers need not be present to win.
- We reserve the right not to race your car if we feel it may damage the track or interfere with other cars.
- Standard Width is enforced: no more than 2 3/4" including wheels
- Height limit is 3" including wheels. Exceeding this may mean your car will not fit under the finish line.
- The standard length is 7". You may exceed this, but we do not guarantee your car will fit down the curve of the track.
- There is no requirement on material, weight, wheels, or axles.
- Cars may not use propellants, explosives, or similar.
- Cars that interfere with/attack other cars are not elligible to be raced for the podium. (But may participate in an exhibition.)
Derby Supplies
If you don't have your old Pinewood Derby car laying around, and you need or want to build a new one, here are some places to find supplies: